Fractures Breaks
Boca Raton, FL | Boynton Beach, FL

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Treating Fractures and Breaks with Your Podiatrist

Fractures and breaks are bone injuries that can occur during sports, everyday activity, or when suffering direct trauma to your foot or ankle. It’s critically important that you have fractures and breaks diagnosed by your orthopedic fracture clinic in Boca Raton or Boynton Beach.

Fast and effective treatment can reduce the need for surgery while limiting long-term damage. At the Foot, Ankle & Leg Vein Center, we have experienced professionals who can treat foot and ankle injuries.

Some of the most Common types of Fractures and Breaks We treat include:

Broken Toe or Metatarsal Fractures – A broken toe can cause severe pain and will limit your mobility. Traumatic breaks are severe fractures, while stress fractures are often less complex and can be healed with conservative options.

Ankle Fractures and Breaks – A broken ankle could occur as a minor fracture, right up to a shattered breakage. Ankle injuries are some of the most commonly treated injuries by our podiatrists in Boynton Beach and Boca Raton.

Calcaneal Fracture – A heel fracture or calcaneal fracture most often occurs when falling from height and landing on the ankle. Car accidents can also lead to calcaneal fractures. Severe heel pain after an accident should be referred to your podiatrist.

Jones Fracture – The long bones in your foot that connect to the small or pinky toe can fracture from trauma during sports or other activities. Because there is limited movement of blood in this area of your foot, healing can be complicated. It’s important that you seek treatment for any kind of pain radiating from behind your smaller toes up into the rest of your foot.

Lisfranc Fracture – If you’ve suffered an injury in your foot that was followed by a popping or snapping sound, and you have pain in the mid-foot, you may have suffered a Lisfranc fracture. You will be unable to bear weight and will experience swelling and bruising. Chronic pain can occur with a Lisfranc fracture and these injuries (like all fractures and breaks) don’t heal well without trained intervention.

Pain is the most obvious symptom of a fracture. Bruising and swelling also occur, and you will likely be unable to place your full weight on your foot and ankle. Some injuries are so severe and debilitating that you won’t be able to walk without assistance.

Never ignore symptoms of pain, especially when they occur after intense physical activity or following a direct injury. The Foot, Ankle & Leg Vein Center will diagnose and treat all kinds of foot and ankle fractures and breaks.

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Common Types of Foot and Ankle Fractures

Fractures can occur as hairline fractures, stress fractures that occur over a longer period of time, or more complex fractures and breaks that affect several bones, or that snap and dislocate bones from their normal positions.

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Fractures Breaks

How We Diagnose Fractures and Breaks

Physical examination and evaluation of your symptoms can indicate a fracture or complete break of a bone. X-ray imaging can reveal the nature and extent of an injury. In some cases, an MRI or CT scan will be needed to complete the diagnosis.

Our trained podiatrists will use all available diagnostic tools to identify the type of injury and develop an effective treatment plan. Some treatments are conservative and can include rest, icing, compression, and the use of custom orthotic devices to set the foot and ankle to allow for healing.

Surgical procedures may be necessary for complex breaks and to avoid complications and long-term loss of mobility.

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Get Diagnosis and Treatment for Ankle and Foot Ruptures in Boca Raton and Boynton Beach

The Foot, Ankle & Leg Vein Center has two convenient clinics in Boca Raton and Boynton Beach. Our experienced podiatrist team will diagnose, develop a treatment plan, and support you throughout the healing process.

For the most effective orthopedic fracture clinic and breaks treatment in South Florida, schedule your appointment with us today.

You can make an appointment now using our online form, or contact us on 561-750-3033 for more information.

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